By Lewpen on 4th Feb 2014ModePathPositionOrientationOriginal PositionOriginal OrientationCode Reference// Gets the current position of the camera // Gets the current orientation of the camera as a quaternion // Gets the current orientation of the camera as a rotation matrix // Gets the current scale of the camera TitleImageCreatedPermissionsDescriptionPermalinkParentCamera PositionCamera Orientation |
Marker NameToolsPositionScaleOrientationCode Reference// This returns the position of the marker // This returns the scale of the marker // This returns the orientation of the marker // This transforms into the 3D co-ordinate system of the marker // This returns the position of the marker // This returns the scale of the marker // This returns the orientation of the marker // This transforms into the 2D co-ordinate system of the marker Path NameStart TimeSpeed MultiplierScale MultiplierCode Reference// This returns the position of the path // This returns the scale of the path // This returns the orientation of the path // This transforms into the 3D co-ordinate system of the path // This returns the position of the path // This returns the scale of the path // This returns the orientation of the path // This transforms into the 2D co-ordinate system of the path |
Image NameBuilt-in Image IDCode Reference// This returns the colour at the specified pixel coordinates // Returns the size of the image in pixels // Returns the width of the image in pixels // Returns the height of the image in pixels Fractal NamePermalinkCode Reference// The include can export a bunch of public functions // The include can export a bunch of public functions // The include can export a bunch of public params // The include can export a bunch of public params |
Camera SpeedField Of ViewFisheye LensVR ModeVR Eye DistanceLight PositionRelative To CameraLight ColourAmbient Light ColourMetallicFog Density (Ray)Fog Density (Final)Fog ColourSurface Distance Fog ThresholdRender ResolutionVolumetric ResolutionEpsilon MultiplierEpsilon PowerMax Ray IterationsMax Final IterationsRay Speed FactorMax Ray LengthShow DebugReflection AmountReflection StepsShadow AmountShadow Steps |